Problems of Renovation of Industrial Zones in Urban Planning

Number of journal: 1-2-2018

Shukurov I.S.,
Morozov D.N.

УДК: 711.4-168

AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
Industrial zones are a very great urban resource and the right choice of concept for their reorganization is important. It is possible to realize in case of reuse of an area – renovation. The article analyses the existing methods for the study of industrial zones and on the basis of this analysis concludes a complex approach to the problem of renovation which is based on such factors as social-cultural and ecological-social factors as well as resource saving and effect of radical changes in the urban environment. A retrospective analysis of the development of industrial zones, within the post-industrial historical period, is made and thus reveals a new stage of reorganization of these areas with the priority of formation of recreation functions. The main tasks are designated and some options of renovation of industrial buildings and their territories on the example of domestic and foreign experience are allocated. The article proposes a complex approach which involves the consideration of an object of renovation as an element of the unified urban planning structure.
I.S. SHUKUROV, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering),
D.N. MOROZOV, Engineer (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (26, Yaroslavskoye Highway, 129337, Moscow, Russian Federation)

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For citation: Shukurov I.S., Morozov D.N. Problems of renovation of industrial zones in urban planning. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2018. No. 1–2, pp. 29–32. (In Russian). DOI: