Building Information Modeling (BIM) with Due Regard for Technological Parameters of Zero Cycle Works

Number of journal: 4-2019

Gaido A.N.

УДК: 658.512:69


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
The article presents an analysis of building information modeling (BIM) methods. It is shown that such methods are elaborated enough for different stages of building design and operation. There is a positive experience in the use of such techniques with the preparation of a large volume of regulatory documents that can be taken as a basis for the development of domestic standards. However, at the complex construction of a single digital model of the building the information containing the data about the various technological indicators of work execution is practically not used. It is shown that the inclusion of information blocks with the values of technological parameters into the unified digital model is of significant importance both at the construction stage and during the operation of buildings and structures. The relevance of analyzing such parameters, which should be taken into account when solving various tasks at the construction and operation stages, is justified on the example of modern pile foundation technologies. The information obtained will be necessary when analyzing possible causes of foundation construction deformations during building reconstruction associated with increased loads on foundation soils, etc. To solve this problem, the author analyzes various technological parameters typical for various methods of works during construction of pile foundations in terms of their influence on the quality of foundation constructions. The composition of the set of technical equipment, making it possible under the production conditions to quickly record, store and transmit these indicators to the technical customer in the form of information blocks for further modeling of the life cycle of the building, is justified. In the conclusion, the author presents a structural diagram for the interaction of various construction participants during information acquisition and processing for its further implementation in a unified BIM system.
A.N. GAIDO, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (4, 2nd Krasnoarmeiskaia Street, Saint Petersburg, 190005, Russian Federation)

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For citation: Gaido A.N. Building information modeling (BIM) with due regard for technological parameters of zero cycle works. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2019. No. 4, pp. 47–55. DOI: (In Russian).