Retrospective Analysis of the Geotechnical Situation when Diagnosing Causes of Development of Emergency Deformations of Stadium Structures

Number of journal: 11-2019

Shashkin V.A.
Evseev N.A.

УДК: 528.482


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
Calculations of interaction of the bases and facilities with due regard for nonlinear operation of materials and soils is a prospect for development of design business in any country of the world. Complex engineering and geological conditions, new architectural forms with non-obvious stress distribution in structures, development of underground space require designers to analyze the spatial work of structures together with the base. In particular, the implementation of joint calculations is relevant when analyzing the causes of defects in already built buildings, preventing emergencies. It is the analysis of the joint work of the spatial structure with the base that makes it possible to accurately determine the cause of defects development and offer adequate stabilization measures to the situation. On the example of an emergency building, the article illustrates the use of numerical joint calculations as an apparatus for retrospective analysis of the development of geotechnical situation and the basis for making technical decisions to strengthen structures or foundations.
V.A. SHASHKIN, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), Deputy General Director
N.A. EVSEEV, Engineer (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

OOO «PI Georeconstruction» (4, Izmaylovsky Avenue, Saint-Petersburg, 190005, Russian Federation)

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For citation: Shashkin V.A., Evseev N.A. Retrospective analysis of the geotechnical situation when diagnosing causes of development of emergency deformations of stadium structures. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2019. No. 11, pp. 11–18. (In Russian). DOI: