Assessment of the Realization of a National Project for Improving Housing Conditions of the Population

Number of journal: 8-2020

Migunov I.N.

УДК: 332.82


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
The article considers the key factors of achieving the national goal of strategic development in the field of improving housing conditions of the population. First of all, these factors should include: the purchase of housing at the primary or secondary markets; the construction of individual homes; the provision of housing under social rental agreements; resettlement from unsuitable dilapidated and emergency funds; improvement of housing conditions through major repairs; conclusion of long-term lease agreements. The dynamics of key indicators for the development of residential real estate and mortgage lending markets in the Russian Federation is analyzed. The analysis of the level of availability of residential real estate in the Russian Federation and regions for the period 2010–2018 is performed. The estimation of the variation in the level of housing affordability is made taking into account the forecasted decrease in the mortgage lending rate in the subjects of the Russian Federation. The most significant measures of state support for the social sphere and the mortgage lending market aimed at increasing housing affordability are summarized.
I.N. MIGUNOV, Candidate of Sciences (Economics)

Russian Foreign Trade Academy of the Ministry for the Economic Development of the Russian Federation (6A, Vorobievskoye Highway, Moscow, 119285, Russian Federation)

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For citation: Migunov I.N. Assessment of the realization of a national project for improving housing conditions of the population. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2020. No. 8, pp. 40–47. (In Russian). DOI: