Methods of Management Decision-Making at Different Stages of the Building Life Cycle

Number of journal: 6-2023

Sheina S.G,
Umnyakova N.P.,
Girya L.V.,
Shvets A.E.

УДК: 332.82


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
The duration of the stages of the building life cycle is different. The life cycle of the building includes the following stages: pre-project (initiation, planning), design, construction, operation, elimination. As a rule, they are considered separately, and the life cycle of the building as a whole is not given enough attention, which is an actual problem. Practice shows that with the passage of time, at the transition from one stage to another, for various reasons, there is a loss of information, which could positively contribute to the further implementation of the project when there are current management and organizational issues. At each of the stages it is necessary to make management decisions allowing more effective operation of the building with the use of appropriate resources. In these situations, the main task is to choose the right alternative. The article considers general problems of making management decisions, the development of technologies and information systems, and points out the need to develop mathematically oriented methods of decision making. The authors in this publication presented a scheme of methods for managerial decision-making from the perspective of the life cycle. The described system is characterized by its self-regulation and is based on the use of an information model of the building.
S.G. SHEINA1, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering);
N.P. UMNYAKOVA2,3, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering);
L.V. GIRYA1, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering),
A.E. SHVETS1, Master

1 Don State Technical University (1, Gagarin Square, Rostov-on-Don, 344000, Russian Federation)
2 Scientific-Research Institute of Building Physics of RAACS (21, Lokomotivniy Driveway, Moscow, 127238, Russian Federation)
3 National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (26, Yaroslavskoe Highway, Moscow, 129337, Russian Federation)

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For citation: Sheina S.G, Umnyakova N.P., Girya L.V., Shvets A.E. Methods of management decision-making at different stages of the building life cycle. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2023. No. 6, pp. 3–8. (In Russian). DOI: